Thursday, October 21, 2010


Well, things are pretty good here. I had my first appointment almost a month ago already and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat. My blood pressure and everything seemed good. We told my daughter that day that she's going to be a big sister and ever since then she's been so cute about it. When I read to her at naptime and night, she looks up and smiles at me and then lifts up my shirt and pets my belly and says "baby!" I think she is very excited to meet this baby. The other day she said "see baby!" and I had to explain to her that it's going to be awhile because it has a lot of growing to do!

Everyone thinks or hopes that I am going to have a boy. Everyone thought I was having a boy the first time around, including me until the day before my ultrasound when I just had a feeling it was a girl. I am really hoping for Riley to have a sister though. I had such an awesome, close relationship with my sister growing up and I just don't think there is any bond stronger than that. It's just so nice when you can talk to your sister about anything. I'd love for her to be able to have that and if the baby is a girl to have a big sister to look up to. I hope I am not too disappointed if I end up having a boy. I of course just want a healthy baby, but I don't know what to do with boys. My whole family and my husband's family is just filled with girls. I also find myself worrying more about stuff with boys. Circumcision, autism, potty training and daredevilness are among them. Hopefully if I do have a boy, my kids can still be super close and I can enjoy having one of each.

On another note, I can't believe it is almost Halloween! Every time I say anything about it, my daughter says "candy!" She has already learned how to say Trick or Treat and she's going to be a bee. If you ask her what a bee says she says "buzz a buzz, buzz a buzz!" It cracks me up. She's very excited, I just hope she'll actually let me put her costume on and doesn't get scared when we go out trick or treating. She gets scared easily by loud noises, I just hope the costumes don't faze her much.

Well that's about it for now, just wanted to give a quick update. Night!