Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I am getting more and more stressed about school all the time. Every day it seems there is another thing that I have to do to satisfy them. All I want to do is register for my freaking classes and finish my degree within a year. It shouldn't be that difficult. But no, they want a financial aid verification worksheet, they want an "off campus study approval" form, they want to try to tell me that half the general education classes that I took won't count for squat. They want me to wait almost a month after regular registration to be able to register my classes which will probably mean that there won't be any seats left for me. It's really annoying!

I should only have to take like 8 more classes to get my degree but I don't know with the way it's going. I would also love to know if my daughter is going to be accepted into the campus daycare sometime before the day before classes start so I can figure out an alternative situation if need be. Why do colleges have to have their heads so far up their asses? It takes so much leg work and busy work in my opinion to ever get to the education part of college. And when you're like me and you end up switching colleges all the time it's like a constant state of annoyance.

I cannot wait until this is over with and I have my degree. I don't think I will ever have the urge to go back again. It would be nice to be able to get a master's degree but I don't think it's happening. It has taken me ten years past high school and I still have a year left to go for a bachelor's degree. I don't think I can take any more schooling once I am done. I just can't wait to get all this wrapped up in a neat little bow, schedule my classes, finish my classes and graduate already. I've come this far for a bachelor's degree, I don't want to leave it unfinished with so few classes left to take. I am just really hoping they don't screw me over with the general education crap. Trust me, in ten years I have taken enough general education classes! Just let me graduate already! Ahhh, it feels much better to get that out.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

There's nothing better...

I can't think of anything better in life than watching your kids being silly and laughing hysterically with them. There is no sweeter sound than baby laughter. There is nothing my eyes would rather see than my little girl playing and laughing. I can't tell you the joy and satisfaction I get from soaking in her innocence and unbridled enthusiasm for everything in life. She is such a dream come true. Every day I marvel at how smart she is becoming and the new things she can accomplish on her own.

I can't imagine my life without her. A world without children would be a miserable place. They remind us to take time out and enjoy life. They are a clean slate and we write on them every day. It is so important to make sure we write the right things. Nothing on this earth brings me more joy than children, especially my own! :-) It is just too bad that childhood is so fleeting; especially nowadays when we seem to be ripping our children's innocence from them at younger and younger ages.

Every night I am so happy at having spent another day with my baby girl but I'm also sad that another day of her childhood is gone. Ah well, such is life I suppose. Bittersweet. I just hope that all you parents out there remember to take the time to truly enjoy your children and make the most of their childhoods. Don't focus on stupid little things that annoy you or test your patience. One day you will be longing for this time again. So, kiss your kids and let them bring joy into your hearts.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bad Drivers!

My town has the worst drivers imaginable! Actually, our pedestrians are pretty stupid too. Last week I was behind a truck and the light turned red so we're all stopped. All of a sudden, this truck decides he wants to back up. I had no idea why he was backing up or where he wanted me to go because there was another car right behind me. He starts gesturing in his side view mirror getting all huffy with me and then decides he's going to back up anyway so that he can parallel park in the space next to me. Who does that?? You can just be at a light a decide "Oh, there's a spot, I'll just park there when I'm in the middle of traffic." He almost backed into me. I had my daughter in the car and I almost got out and beat this guy senseless. What a moron!

Then today I was driving out of a parking lot after driving down the lane of the lot and stopping at the end and signaling to turn into the driving lane which leads out of the parking lot. This jackass comes flying through the lot (through all the parking spaces, not the driving lane) and almost t-bones me. I saw him look at me but he just kept right on going. I had to honk at him too. My daughter was again in the car with me. After I got out of that lot and up the road a little ways, some moron turned left in front of a car that had the green light to go straight and some pedestrians almost walked right in front of another car. Some people should just stick to the bus! By the way people, when the little orange hand is up at you, don't just cross the street anyway. There is a reason it is telling you to wait. It absolutely drives me insane when people cross the street when I am in the turning lane and have a green arrow but I can't turn because I have to wait for them to get across the street. Then I end up waiting through five more minutes of lights.

There, I just had to get that out. That is my rant for the day! Sorry if I offended any bad drivers or pedestrians out there. Oh, who am I kidding. No I'm not. You guys suck!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Scared for today's youth

Has anyone seen this story? http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2010/03/25/lkl.teen.girl.cnn

This is sickening! I don't know if technology is causing young people to feel cut off from reality or the consequences of their own actions, but this is disgusting. I am truly scared for the youth of today. They are growing up in a world without discipline, without love and patience and without a sense of right and wrong apparently. Teenagers are flying off the handle over stupid, petty things and they don't even feel remorse. How are we raising a society of sociopaths? In my opinion, people need to focus more on parenting their children and less on themselves and their careers and whatever else is getting in the way of them being real parents. And while we're on the subject, spanking is not discipline and it does not create loving, sensitive people, it creates violent kids. It does not teach children the difference between right and wrong, it just teaches them what they can get away with or what will get them hit. How is that effective?

I just have to say that if I was that girl's mother, it would take every fiber of my being to not go after the little punk who did that and show him what rage looks like. I don't know if I would be able to leave it up to the justice system to take care of him. I just wish we could return to the values that families seemed to have in the 50's. Or even the 80's. I don't know what is happening these days, but there needs to be a change. This is sad!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Dead End?

At 28, there are so many things in my life that I am thankful for and truly blessed with. I have a wonderful, hardworking husband, a sweet, smart, beautiful little girl, a nice house to live in and an opportunity to stay home with my daughter. So why do I feel like I have hit a dead end in my life?

Maybe it's because I have a useless two year degree and about one more year to go on a four year degree that may just prove to be equally useless. I have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars and almost ten years of my life attempting to receive an education. For what? I have no real dream job which makes everything all the more difficult, and I have found that what I really want to do is stay home with my daughter and have another child soon. The only problem with that is that my husband has a less than secure job and is in the same boat as me in regards to education and not having a real passion for a certain kind of work.

As we're getting older, we have fewer and fewer options in regards to jobs. The age in and of itself is not the problem, but the fact that we have a family and a home doesn't really allow for big, risky lifestyle changes. I feel strange about this situation because on the one hand, I am completely happy and satisfied with my life the way it is NOW, but I feel like I'm living in a kind of limbo where this is not the future that we had planned and it may be the only kind of future we ever see. Working in jobs that make us miserable and just getting by.

All I want is to be with my family and to have the opportunity to raise my own children. Careers and Education seem to be getting in the way of this desire. What do I do with my life? I want my daughter to grow up to respect me and her dad and to have all the time that she can with us. I don't know if finishing school and getting some kind of job will make her respect me or the fact that I decided that nothing was more important than her and found a way to stay at home with her. I just wish that didn't put so much pressure on my poor husband. Life is hard today. I hope tomorrow holds more hope and promise than today.