I should only have to take like 8 more classes to get my degree but I don't know with the way it's going. I would also love to know if my daughter is going to be accepted into the campus daycare sometime before the day before classes start so I can figure out an alternative situation if need be. Why do colleges have to have their heads so far up their asses? It takes so much leg work and busy work in my opinion to ever get to the education part of college. And when you're like me and you end up switching colleges all the time it's like a constant state of annoyance.
I cannot wait until this is over with and I have my degree. I don't think I will ever have the urge to go back again. It would be nice to be able to get a master's degree but I don't think it's happening. It has taken me ten years past high school and I still have a year left to go for a bachelor's degree. I don't think I can take any more schooling once I am done. I just can't wait to get all this wrapped up in a neat little bow, schedule my classes, finish my classes and graduate already. I've come this far for a bachelor's degree, I don't want to leave it unfinished with so few classes left to take. I am just really hoping they don't screw me over with the general education crap. Trust me, in ten years I have taken enough general education classes! Just let me graduate already! Ahhh, it feels much better to get that out.