Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bad Drivers!

My town has the worst drivers imaginable! Actually, our pedestrians are pretty stupid too. Last week I was behind a truck and the light turned red so we're all stopped. All of a sudden, this truck decides he wants to back up. I had no idea why he was backing up or where he wanted me to go because there was another car right behind me. He starts gesturing in his side view mirror getting all huffy with me and then decides he's going to back up anyway so that he can parallel park in the space next to me. Who does that?? You can just be at a light a decide "Oh, there's a spot, I'll just park there when I'm in the middle of traffic." He almost backed into me. I had my daughter in the car and I almost got out and beat this guy senseless. What a moron!

Then today I was driving out of a parking lot after driving down the lane of the lot and stopping at the end and signaling to turn into the driving lane which leads out of the parking lot. This jackass comes flying through the lot (through all the parking spaces, not the driving lane) and almost t-bones me. I saw him look at me but he just kept right on going. I had to honk at him too. My daughter was again in the car with me. After I got out of that lot and up the road a little ways, some moron turned left in front of a car that had the green light to go straight and some pedestrians almost walked right in front of another car. Some people should just stick to the bus! By the way people, when the little orange hand is up at you, don't just cross the street anyway. There is a reason it is telling you to wait. It absolutely drives me insane when people cross the street when I am in the turning lane and have a green arrow but I can't turn because I have to wait for them to get across the street. Then I end up waiting through five more minutes of lights.

There, I just had to get that out. That is my rant for the day! Sorry if I offended any bad drivers or pedestrians out there. Oh, who am I kidding. No I'm not. You guys suck!

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