Hello again. It's been a little while. What's new with me? Well let's see...nothing is happening in the pregnancy department yet. We are on our second month of trying. I don't technically know that I am not pregnant, I just feel that way. We have one more month of trying and then we are going to take a little break because I don't want my child to be born under an astrological sign that is incompatible with me! I know, I'm a crazy person.
I do feel excited, creative, hopeful and positive lately though. I was recently inspired by seeing an old friend from photography school and having her shoot pictures of my daughter. I had pretty much stopped all things photographic for a long time feeling that I was not good enough to ever make any money at it and I that I never learned enough to even try to make any money at it. Also, the fact that my only good camera was a film camera and it was a pain in the butt and expensive to take pictures with it did not help. I am now back on the photography wagon! I am buying a Nikon D5000 which should be getting shipped today or tomorrow and I can't tell you how excited I am to start playing with it!
I definitely need to refresh my skills and do some reading up on the subject of digital photography because I never really learned much about that medium. But I want to start snapping away and playing around too to learn by trial and error. Once I feel that I am in good form again, I am going to start trying to build a portfolio so that I can build a business. I am going to offer free sessions for photo shoots of newborns, children, engagement pictures and so on and then using those, I am hoping to entice someone to let me shoot their wedding so I can then use that in my portfolio so hopefully I can actually get paid for these things.
Don't get me wrong, I am in no way in it just for the money, I just feel that in order to give me a little boost of confidence to feel like I may actually have a knack for photography, a paycheck or at least someone willing to take a chance on me would help. I can't wait to get the camera so I can start snapping pictures and at least be able to set up a facebook page for my photography. A website will have to wait until I am in full blown business mode. The best thing about doing photography as a business is that I can do it on the weekends and in the summer so when I get a teaching job, I can still do this on the side. I'll be able to do two things I love if all works out according to plan!
I used to be deathly afraid to shoot someone's wedding for the simple fact that if you ruin someone's wedding photos, that's it. You're done. I do not want to be responsible for ruining the biggest day of someone's life. However, I think with the digital format, it would go a long way to give me peace of mind because I will be able to take a bunch of pictures and look at them and if they are not right I can do it until I get it right. I won't have to just shoot and hope and pray that they come out right when I get the film developed. I am just hoping that this new camera will greatly improve the quality of my pictures. Now I just need to get adobe Lightroom and I will be all set!
I am very glad that I have this to focus on right now because last month my mind was completely consumed with the whole "I could be pregnant...no I'm not pregnant" argument. This month I am focused on other things so it won't be so devastating this month if I'm not. Which is am 99.8 percent sure that I'm not.
I had my tarot cards read at the renaissance faire yesterday and the lady told me that now is a great time for my career, whether it is starting my own business or working for someone else, I have what it takes to get it done and within 6 months I should see some progress in that department. So, that was uplifting! I hope she's right about that, but wrong about me not having another baby for 3 0r 4 more years! Yikes! I can't wait that long, I'll be too old and tired by then! :-)