Right now I would love to be able to make some extra cash to try and pay down my debt, or at least be paying on the interest. I miss having my own paycheck. I miss meeting people at work. However, I absolutely love staying home with my daughter. That's kind of why I wish I could do more photography. If I could do portraits a few times a week on location or something, it would bring in more income and give me the chance to meet people. I need a better camera though and it appears nobody wants to buy 35 mm cameras anymore, so it would take me forever to come up with the money for a nice digital camera. If I could sell the old one that I have plus a bunch of lighting equipment I have, I could put that towards a new digital camera that takes really good pictures. I just requested some digital photography books from the library because even though I have a degree in Photography, very little of it was digital. I think I had two classes on it and since I didn't have a digital camera, I couldn't really learn as much as I should have been able to. Also, I am so out of practice, I need a refresher.
I don't know, I just feel like that is something I can produce that I can see I've accomplished something. I feel like one day just blurs into the next and I haven't really done anything but play with my daughter. Not that I don't love that, but it would be nice to feel a sense of accomplishment in another area of my life. This is what happens when I have two weeks off from school! I go a little mad. In another few days I won't have time to worry about all this I guess. I suppose I'll be accomplishing school work towards my degree, but that is not quite as personally satisfying. I want to do something creative.
Well, I hope I haven't bored you all to death. If anyone even reads this blog. Probably not. Anyway, I'm off to find something to do. Night all.
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