Thursday, March 25, 2010

Scared for today's youth

Has anyone seen this story?

This is sickening! I don't know if technology is causing young people to feel cut off from reality or the consequences of their own actions, but this is disgusting. I am truly scared for the youth of today. They are growing up in a world without discipline, without love and patience and without a sense of right and wrong apparently. Teenagers are flying off the handle over stupid, petty things and they don't even feel remorse. How are we raising a society of sociopaths? In my opinion, people need to focus more on parenting their children and less on themselves and their careers and whatever else is getting in the way of them being real parents. And while we're on the subject, spanking is not discipline and it does not create loving, sensitive people, it creates violent kids. It does not teach children the difference between right and wrong, it just teaches them what they can get away with or what will get them hit. How is that effective?

I just have to say that if I was that girl's mother, it would take every fiber of my being to not go after the little punk who did that and show him what rage looks like. I don't know if I would be able to leave it up to the justice system to take care of him. I just wish we could return to the values that families seemed to have in the 50's. Or even the 80's. I don't know what is happening these days, but there needs to be a change. This is sad!

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